There are three methods to properly incorporate the ideas of others to support your research. They include paraphrasing, summarizing, and quoting. Regardless of which method you choose, you should start off your paragraph with your own individual idea, move forward to provide information borrowed from the article you have chosen to support your idea, and follow up with explaining the connection between both. Always keep the reader in mind and explain how these ideas are related. Remember that your own ideas, supported by your sources, are the foundation of a research paper. Your sources should not overshadow your original thoughts. For that reason, resist the temptation to allow too much of your research paper to be comprised of quoted, paraphrased, or summarized source material.
Paraphrasing allows you to represent the ideas of others using your own words.
A summary takes information and condenses it by only bringing in the essential ideas from your source.
A direct quote is when you represent an idea word for word from the original source.