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Mini Collection : National Deaf History Month [April]: Home

This mini collection contains selected resources relating to specific aspects of deaf history and is organized to facilitate discovery and discussion during National Deaf History Month.

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Student smiling and demonstrating sign language, conveying positivity.

Image from Vecteezy


"National Deaf History Month is celebrated from March 15 – April 15. It recognizes contributions of deaf and hard of hearing (HoH) people, as well as highlighting the various forms of communication chosen by deaf and HoH individuals – including American Sign Language (ASL). For example – did you know that the football huddle we use today was first started at a college for the deaf in the 1890s so the players could keep their ASL signing hidden from the opposing team?

Three Important Dates

Deaf History Month straddles two months to highlight three of the key milestones in deaf history:

March 13, 1988: The Deaf President Now movement succeeds in having I. King Jordan named the first deaf president of Gallaudet University. Dr. Jordan became known as a symbol of self-determination and empowerment for deaf and hard of hearing people around the world.

April 8, 1864: President Abraham Lincoln signs the charter of Gallaudet University in Washington, the first school for the advanced education of the Deaf and hard-of-hearing in the world.

April 15, 1817: The first permanent public school for the deaf, the American School for the Deaf in Hartford, Connecticut, opens."--Deaf History Month - Facts and Resources., Cleveland Hearing & Speech Center.

Online Exhibits

Deaf Awareness Lessons & Activities

TED Talk

Mission Statement

The Bryant & Stratton College Campus Libraries and Virtual Library support the college mission and curricular needs through acquisition and dissemination of resources in all media formats and online as well as by meeting the critical information needs of its students, faculty, staff, and alumni. In support of the curriculum, the emphasis is on resource and information literacy instruction, digital and Internet access and instruction, and research and writing instruction. The library's purpose is to enable the students to attain the goals outlined in the College Mission Statement.

Links to websites that do not include in the address are suggested as information helpful for students and faculty. The websites are not affiliated with Bryant & Stratton College.