All EBSCO eBooks the College owns, including Academic collection and OA, are here. eBook collection contains over 100,000 academic and public domain titles on various subjects such as trade, reference, science, technology, medicine and literature. Users can view full-text eBooks or download titles from their computer on to the most popular electronic devices.
eBook collection contains all of the full text eBooks that the College purchases from EBSCO, including eBooks from our eBook Subscription Collections, as well as single eBook titles. Acquired EBSCO eBooks are automatically transferred into this database.
eBook Academic Collection contains a large selection of multidisciplinary eBook titles representing a broad range of academic subject matter. Titles can be accessed by individual pages, chapters, or direct links from the table of contents. Every word in every book is searchable.
EBSCO eBooks Open Access Collection was created in collaboration with university presses and scholarly OA publishers to provide users with a large selection of discoverable content, which will continue to grow by the thousands. With the collection, libraries gain access to all current and future OA e-books with DRM-free access on the EBSCO platform. (DRM-free eBooks; not strictly OER).
DRM-Free eBooks are eBooks with unlimited access to users and no Digital Rights Management restrictions on printing, saving, copying, etc. Full-book downloads require no sign-in, no Adobe ID, and no special software such as Adobe Digital Editions. The only requirement is that the user authenticates to the institution's collection.
The new Mental Health and Wellbeing Ebook Subscription brings the latest, most relevant psychology research and mental health Ebooks in one place and helps promote student wellbeing and self-care skills. Content topics include: Psychotherapy; Mental Health; Educational & Developmental Psychology; Stress Management, and more.
Links to websites that do not include in the address are suggested as information helpful for students and faculty. The websites are not affiliated with Bryant & Stratton College.