Librarians support students via Chat, Email, Microsoft Teams, Blackboard, LibAnswers-FAQ, academic integrity training, and in-person presentations. Faculty and students can contact librarians if individual titles or general subject coverage needs to be added to the library's electronic collection.
Library revised Bryant & Stratton College APA Style Guide. The revision includes: cite on campus faculty lecture and Blackboard class online lecture, cite sources for a discussion board post, cite TikTok, information about how to cite ChatGPT, and more.
NoodleTools offers integrated tools for note-taking, outlining, citation, document archiving/annotation, and collaborative research and writing.
Connect to tutors any time from within your class in Blackboard. You’ll see Brainfuse included with Tools when you click on ePortfolio & Tools button in your Blackboard course.
Covers many current hottest social issue topics. It is useful for ENGL 102 to research current issues.
An interactive 3D teaching and study resource to present core content of basic anatomy and physiology courses.
Includes Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder, DSM-5-TR, Clinical Cases, etc.. It is useful for psychology, medical assisting, and nursing.
This collection includes evidence to inform healthcare decision-making. It is useful for PTA, OTA, nursing. You’ll find how-to-videos, usage guides, links to on-demand and live virtual training, and much more on the Cochrane Library Training Hub.
An advanced research system that prepares students to use legal technology in their paralegal careers. Paralegal students use the BSC login credentials to access.
A database of the comprehensive U.S. and international company information.
A directory database that helps users of all kinds search for jobs, research U.S. businesses, create marketing and small business plans, locate specific people and more.
Search and browse journal titles and eBooks in the library.
All EBSCO eBooks the College owns. Users can view full-text eBooks or download titles from their computer on to the most popular electronic devices.
Focused collection of eBooks on academic topics such as nursing, medical assisting, psychology, diseases, anatomy/physiology, biology, and more.
Explore this database of encyclopedias and reference sources within the Gale eBooks platform.